Sustainable Speech Therapy
Speech therapy typically occurs 2-3 times per week for 45 minute sessions. So how do we encourage skills taught in sessions are carried over to other settings or with other people? Speakeasy BKLYN believes in speech therapy that only requires your hands and your heart. We will show you how to incorporate therapeutic strategies in to your daily routines.
Therapy catered to your child
As each child is unique, Speakeasy BKLYN offers individualized treatment targeting developmentally appropriate skills. Our therapy creates and nurtures relationships between the child, the speech pathologist and the family. Speakeasy BKLYN also embraces a strength-based approach to learning and development; instead of insisting on changing a child’s behavior, our approach is to understand why a child is acting this way. Often this knowledge leads us to a deeper understanding of the child’s world, giving us insight on the best way to build upon the child’s challenges.
Collaboration is key
Speakeasy BKLYN’s recipe for success involves collaborating with a multidisciplinary team including occupational therapists, physical therapists, psychologists, medical professionals, SEITs, teachers and most importantly, Parents!
Holistic approach
Often symptoms of a disorder are masked or misunderstood. It’s vital to examine a child’s medical history, cognition and sensory system (including vision, body awareness, listening, vestibular system or ability to balance) before writing and addressing the child’s goals.
Speakeasy BKLYN specializes in
the evaluation & treatment of:
language impairment
disorders related to developmental delays
motor speech disorders (e.g. apraxia)
articulation disorders
pragmatic (social) language disorders
Reading disorders
Language-based disorders (language expression and comprehension)
PDD/autism spectrum disorders
Feeding Disorders
**Sessions can be conducted in the home or at school. Family/staff
coaching and homework will be provided during each session.